There has been a lot of discussion in community groups, at conferences, and message boards over the years - back and forth about the best way to achieve progress on standards in the complex event processing (CEP) space. This week StreamBase announced a partnership with Oracle - that the two companies have come together to research and publish on ways to reconcile a few of the approaches that have been developed for CEP. The paper is being presented by our chief architect, Richard Tibbetts, at the VLDB conference this week. We'll be blogging about this research in the future. Here is the press release and a few links to coverage:
In the past perhaps StreamBase would have presented this news as further evidence that SQL has dominated the world of CEP as the no-brainer winner; notice this is not the tenor of the release at all. Instead, this research has taken years to develop, and the thoughful presentation of ideas in the paper is intended to provoke a discourse that can keep us on a path of convergence as CEP continues to become more and more important in the enterprise IT landscape.
Stay tuned - more to come on this topic (post-script to this post, here is a post from Richard Tibbetts on the paper)!