Giles Nelson from Apama blogged today about how depressed he was to see a useless debate about acronyms, SOR, and CEP. But unfortunately Giles threw the baby out with the bath water! My initial post was about why CEP is used by Smart Order Routing applications, and that's a useful - no, critical - discussion.
When I ran Apama, the focus of my blog was use case discussion, patterns, requirements, best practices, and descriptions of the references customers that illustrated CEP at work. I think the community has lost this voice, and we need to bring it back. There are a lot of good things happening at SteamBase, Apama, Aleri, Coral8, and other CEP vendors. It's our job to educate, although I'm guilty of jumping into the bath water about the difference between Routers and SOR.
So I'm going to RE-post the baby (the SOR use case discussion), and throw out the bath water (the Router debate). I hope the blogosphere joins in on other use cases and positive discourse about how CEP is being used.