As the CEO of StreamBase, it's exciting for the company to receive industry accolades and customer endorsements. But this time, our engineers have garnered recognition that doesn't get much bigger. Today, the World Economic Forum at Davos named StreamBase as one of the most innovative technology companies in the world that will have a critical impact on the future of business and society.
While it's flattering to go to Davos where Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, and Henry Kissinger have presented, this award is a great opportunity to introduce more people to the innovation of event processing and to StreamBase, one of the inventors of the modern commercial implementations of the technology.
So what is event processing? Why is it one of the world's most innovative technologies? Who is StreamBase? We put together the following brief video to help explain the answers to those questions:
Want to learn more?
Here's a list of resources, organized by interest subject, or your perspective:
- For business people who want to understand how event processing works in the real-time enterprise, watch the video embedded above, or follow this link to YouTube.
- For IT architects that want to learn about event processing technology, read Event Processing: Designing IT Systems for Agile Companies, by Gartner analyst Roy Schulte and Mani Chandy.
- For capital markets technologists and business people who wish to learn about the application of event processing in the capital markets, visit the high frequency trading section of the StreamBase Event Processing Blog.
- For social media technologists who want to understand how event processing and social media outlets like Twitter work together, read Trading on Twitter: Opportunity, Danger, or Folly?
- To read event processing case studies read about the CME Group (Chicago Mercantile Exchange), BlueCrest Capital Management, or PhaseCapital (a Boston-based hedge fund).
- To follow event processing on Twitter, follow me at @mrkwpalmer, Richard Tibbetts, StreamBase CTO (@tibbetts), StreamBase corporation (@StreamBase), Roy Schulte and his firm, Gartner Group (@gartner_inc) or the CEP industry Twitter list (@mrkwpalmer/cep). Brenda Michelson (@bmichelson) from Elemental Links has excellent insight into the market.
- To learn more about the World Economic Forum Technology Pioneers, visit the Davos World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer website or, if you would prefer to watch the the CEOs explain their innovations in their own words, watch the technology pioneer videos here.
- To evaluate CEP products, you can read my take on it here, read about the evaluations and decision-making process that CMC Markets followed, read about how CME Group decided, or examine how high-frequency hedge funds Kairos and PhaseCapital looked at competitive products. Or you could do the ultimate test - download StreamBase yourself. You could also read the report from Forrester group, which was a paper-based evaluation of CEP products (by @johnrymer and @mgualtieri).
- To follow the World Economic Forum on Twitter, follow @davos on Twitter.
- To follow all of the 2010 Technology Pioneers, follow @davos/techpioneers2010 on Twitter.
Congratulations to our excellent engineering team, and thank you to our customers for their public support of StreamBase and event processing.