Yes, it’s true that three seconds of stock market data can generate more data than Shakespeare did in his entire life’s work. Yes, the best event processing platforms can process that volume with latency measured in microseconds (a microsecond is 1/millionth of a second; it takes light 5.4 microseconds to travel a mile in a vacuum). Yes, many times, speed is the main selection criteria among CEP products (for example, trading specialist CMC Markets processed 3,000 events with one vendor, switched, and currently processes 17,000 events a second). Yes, StreamBase is known for its blinding speed and we make it faster with every release.
But will speed be the most dominant reason why event processing is adopted? No.
Still, headlines proclaim that the raison d’etre of event processing is to "tame the data deluge," but these stories miss the point. No, most often, event processing will be adopted for different reasons. be continued with prediction #3....