The trading market in China for event processing continues to grow.
Today, we announced a partnership with Zhejiang Hithink Flush Information Network Co., Ltd. (“Hithink”), who will use StreamBase to build trading products for the Chinese market, and also sell and support CEP-based application development in China. This partnership comes as a result of our StreamBase ISV Acclerator Program and Gunagfa's public adoption StreamBase last year.
Hithink has a history of successfully building market data and trading systems for their retail and institutional clients, with over 1,000 employees, 50 million customers and revenues of over 200M RMB.
Hithink will use the StreamBase platform to improve their existing infrastructure and develop new high performance trading applications such as algorithmic trading, transaction cost analysis, and market data management that make use of key CEP features such as aggregation, correlation and temporal analytics.
Image Credit: Want China Times